Since we are a smaller community, the churches in Golden work together to pool our resources at specific locations like the Golden Rescue Fund (Golden Police Station), Golden Backpack Program, and Christian Action Guild to aid those in need. Individual parishes often have small bags of snacks and can help you with vouchers or locating the nearest resource center where you can receive further assistance (as available). If you are Golden resident (80401 or 80403) in need of assistance, please see the resources below. If you are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness, please see the transitional housing section below for organizations that may be able to help you. Golden unfortunately does not have any local shelter facilities currently, so we have listed some of the closest shelters located in Denver. If you are not a Golden resident but are traveling through Golden and have an urgent need, please contact the Golden Rescue Fund to see if they can assist you (referral may be needed). For more Denver Metro resources, please visit the Mother Cabrini Shrine Resource Directory here.

The organizations who provide these resources may have specific requirements. Please contact them directly for more details.


These resources are subject to changes as the situation with the pandemic shifts. While we try to keep our information current, please check the websites for these organizations for the most up to date information. Thank you.

BGoldN Food Assistance
Prepackaged take and go breakfasts and lunches are available for pick-up near the Splash Waterpark at 9:00 am and 1:00 pm Monday through Friday. The meals are first come, first served and handed out through a drive-up line.

Golden Backpack Program
The Fresh Food Co-op is open.

The Food Pantry and Thrift Shop are open. Masks are required and there are limitations to how many people can be in the Pantry and Thrift Shop at one time. Please only drop-off donations for the Thrift Shop on Wednesdays. Please see their website for further details.

Action Center
Providing 5-day food supply and other assistance.

Golden Rescue Fund
Still operating and supporting Calvary Food Shelf.

Food Resources

Action Center
Jefferson County - 720.215.4850
Self-Select Grocery 9 times per enrollment year
Call to schedule an appointment

Golden Community Table
Enjoy a free, home-cooked meal at the First United Methodist Church
Thursdays 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

Calvary Food Shelf
Golden - 303.279.2188
Bags of food and fresh produce once a month
Tuesdays through Thursdays 9:30 am - 5:00 pm

Golden - 303.279.5674
Shelf-stable and fresh food once a month
Tuesdays and Fridays 10:00 am - 3:30 pm, Saturdays 10:30 am - 1:30 pm

Golden Backpack Program
Golden - 720.507.9061
Provides food for students over the weekend during the school year, summer program as well

Golden Rescue Fund
Golden & Non-residents - 303.279.2188
Food assistance once for non-residents, once every 6 months for residents
Monday through Thursday 9:30 am - 5:00 pm

His Provision
Golden - 303.279.3663
Perishable/non-perishable food and senior commodities distribution center
Mondays 1:30 - 5:00 pm

Clothing Resources

Action Center
Jefferson County - 720.215.4850
Clothing Bank and household items
Call to schedule an appointment

Golden - 303.279.5674
Thrift Shop and Homeless Closet, as well as sleeping bags and blankets when available
Tuesdays and Fridays 10:00 am - 3:30 pm, Saturdays 10:30 am - 1:30 pm

Prescription Assistance

Golden Rescue Fund
Golden - 303.279.2188
Monday through Thursday 9:30 am - 5:00 pm

The Salvation Army Golden SEU
Golden - 303.279.2188
Call for an appointment

School Supplies

Action Center
Jefferson County - 720.215.4850
School supply distribution before school year starts
Call to schedule an appointment

Golden - 303.279.5674
School supplies available for families in crisis at the beginning of the school year
Tuesdays and Fridays 10:00 am - 3:30 pm, Saturdays 10:30 am - 1:30 pm

Transportation Resources

Golden Rescue Fund
Golden & Non-residents - 303.279.2188
Bus pass or gas assistance
Monday through Thursday 9:30 am - 5:00 pm

Hands of the Carpenter
Car repair and vehicle replacement for women in need

Overnight Women's shelters

Golden does not currently have a women's shelter

CHUM Shelter
Downtown Denver - 303.297.1576

Holy Rosary Program at Samaritan House
Downtown Denver - 303.294.0241

Overnight Men's Shelters

Golden does not currently have a men's shelter

Denver Rescue Mission
Downtown Denver - 303.294.0157

Salvation Army Crossroads
RiNo Area Downtown Denver - 720.305.4640

Samaritan House
Downtown Denver - 303.294.0241