
Finance Council

The function of the Finance Council is to advise, assist, and support the pastor in achieving the most responsible stewardship of resources given for carrying out the work of the Church in the parish and beyond.

Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus

Our Lady of the Mountain Council at St. Joseph is a group of Catholic men committed to the four pillars of their fraternal order – charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. They live their faith through service to our church and to our neighbors. The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal benefit organization with 2 million members worldwide. The Knights donated $175 million and 75 million volunteer hours last year through a wide variety of charitable programs like Habitat for Humanity and Special Olympics.

Our Knights of Columbus host a monthly “drive-thru” burrito breakfast, assist with Fish Frys and the Parish Picnic, and sell peaches and Tootsie Rolls annually, as well as participating in other activities in the community. Michale Sheehan is the Grand Knight of the Council. All practicing Catholic men of the parish eighteen and older are invited to join the Knights.

To learn more go to our council website or reach out to Grand Knight Michael Sheehan.

Fellowship and Prayer

Bridge Group

If you enjoy playing Bridge, socializing, and a good lunch please consider joining our group. Our Bridge group meets at Fossil Trace at 10:00 am on the third Wednesday of the month. The group is organized by Mary Junk. Please contact us if you are interested in joining.

Books and Brew image coffee mug with the Holy Bible

Books and Brew Club

Each month during the school year, the group picks a book to read and discuss. We meet the third Wednesday of every month in the Education Center at 10:00 am. Please join our Flocknote group "STJG Books and Brew" for information on our next meeting we hope you can join us!

Family Gathering image

Family Gathering

Wish there was a non-socially awkward way to meet other St. Joseph families who are serious about their faith? We hear you! That's why the parish hosts informal get-togethers for families who are interested in going a little deeper into their faith and connecting with other families who feel the same way. If this is something you think you would like to try-out, we invite you to join us for our monthly gatherings on the second Sunday of the month following the 9:15 am Mass. We meet at the playground by the Education Center, and serve coffee and juice with an assortment of baked goods. We promise it's safe to come and try. If you find it's not for you, there's absolutely no obligation to come back. If you enjoy the family get-together and want to keep coming, there are also small groups that meet throughout the month for opportunities to build deeper connections within our community. We also have a yearly family retreat. Please join our Flocknote group "STJG Family Groups" to connect with us.*

Small Christian Communities

Small Christian Communities are groups that gather regularly to share their faith, help each other in their Christian way through daily life, relate Scripture to the world around them, and reach out in service to others. At meetings they share the next Sunday’s Scripture readings and relate these to their present-day lives. If interested in joining a Small Christian Community please contact us.

Women’s Group image

Women's Group (Suspended - please join our Flocknote group for when events resume)

This group is for the women of our parish 18(ish) and older. We host Ladies Night Out events 3-4 times a year, where we gather for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, celebrate Mass, and enjoy a potluck dinner. We try to include a fun craft or activity as well, like learning to line dance or making rose petal bath salts. To learn more about women at St. Joseph please click here and join our Flocknote group "STJG Women's Group" to make sure you know about our upcoming events.*

*If you have questions about Flocknote or need help joining a group, please email Jason at