Congratulations to our Overall Male Winner, Kevin Lee, with a time of 22:57 and Overall Female Winner, Marissa Karpinski, with a time of 23:45!


We’d also like to extend a huge thank you to all of our sponsors, volunteers, and participants!

Race Results

Female Runners by Age

19 and Under
Marissa Karpinski - 23:45
Hailey Swanson - 24:31
Dayna Weber - 25:37
Lanie Medlin - 56:57

Larissa Guba - 32:52
Jennifer Erickson - 70:31

Maura Burns - 29:14
Mary-Ellen Schuster - 32:10
Katie Converse - 49:51

Julie Lee - 27:05
Erin Furtak - 29:44
Janet Weber - 62:31

Kassie McClintock - 36:27
Tammy Cooper - 40:30

60 and Older
Sheila Adamson - 49:00
Reba Sheehan - 55:41
Sharon Hart - 59:53
Nadine Hayes - 60:40
Virginia Durbin - 62:24
Marlene Greene - 62:27
Janet Ericsson - 70:30
Cheryl Darragh - 70:35

Male Runners by Age

19 and Under
Dylan Carrither - 34:59

Jamie Barrentia - 49:51
Adam Schuster - 54:42

Kyle Converse - 30:41
Jason Carrithers - 34:59

Kevin Lee - 22:57
Paul Henderson - 26:00
Jeff Gergen - 30:17
Glen Guba - 31:35

60 and Older
Ray Aberle - 39:52
Greg Dobbs - 43:38
Philip Jennings - 51:02
Jerry Sheehan - 54:58
Doug Hart - 59:54